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all-natural, complete horse mineral supplement

Your horses will love the taste. You'll love the results!

Your horses will love the taste.

You'll love the results!

Thunder Mountain Equine 230 and 90 day supply.75 All-Natural Essential MineralsFacebook icon link

The Original Essential Horse Mineral Supplements

Your horses will love the taste.
You'll love the results!
Thunder Mountain Equine - The Original Essential Horse Minerals Supplement75 All-Natural Essential MineralsFacebook icon link
Thunder Mountain Equine 230 and 90 day supply.

The original, all-natural minerals supplement for your horses.

Don't get ripped off by this guy...

Don't get ripped off my Thunder Mountain Minerals, a rip-off and imposter.

Beware of counterfeits and imitators.

Painted Pony

Thunder Mountain Equine

The Original Horse Mineral Supplements

90-Day Supply

$150 US

230-Day Supply

$325 US

45-Day Supply

$ 75.00 USD

Description of 45-Day Supply.


90-Day Supply

$ 135.00 USD

Description of 90-Day Supply.


230-Day Supply

$ 300.00 USD

Description of 230-Day Supply.

"I apologize to all my great customers. These are challenging times we are facing.  However due to rising fuel prices, it has become necessary to pass along the increased manufacturing costs in order to continue to provide the great TME product for our beloved equines all over the USA, Canada and other foreign countries. I appreciate your business more than you know. The good thing to remember: Feeding Thunder Mountain EQUINE increases the absorption of the feed/nutritional needs of  your equine friends up to 30%.  This savings translates to better value, better health, and less feed and less manure. Together we will get through these trying times. Please NOTE: this is the FIRST and only price increase in 8 years.
HUGS everyone." - Sandy Caruso

Why is TME essential horse minerals supplement so special?

This is a complete supplement with key ingredients from unique, all-natural minerals. We own the exclusive rights to a unique mineral deposit formed millions of years ago when ash from an erupting volcano merged with seawater resulting in an blend of essential minerals. Extensive testing and years of results have proven that our minerals supplement is unlike any other. Beware of those who try to imitate our products!

Why Thunder Mountain Equine?

Better performance.

Better nutrition.

Better value.

Boy looking through fence.

Horses perform at their peak when they their diet consists of essential nutrients for optimum health. You can see their endurance rise, their attention sharpen, their coats shine, and their healing quicken. You may be surprised how much horses love TME essential mineral supplements and how they no longer require as much convention feed—saving you money.

Sandy Caruso

About TME

As an owner, trainer, and breeder for over 44 years, I know horses and I love them. I currently own 41 head. They are my passion and a part of my family’s everyday life.

That’s why I created Thunder Mountain Equine. Anything similarly named is a counterfeit and a rip-off. My “Sandy’s Formula” is the original developed over the course of many years of painstaking research and trials. My horses are my laboratory.

I’m a lifetime member of AQHA and APHA and have competed or worked in barrel racing, reining, cutting, western pleasure, team penning, reined cowhorse, sorting, ranch work. jumping, racing, dressage (years of lessons in Europe), and as a vet tech. I’ve been around riders and owners who have witnessed firsthand the results of the original Thunder Mountain Equine (TME) essential minerals supplement.


Melody Liu

Grand Prix Rider - Corsari Equestrian, LLC - Moorpark, CA

"I feel like Thunder Mountain Equine is a hidden weapon nobody in the show jumping world has discovered yet besides me.

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Jill Parker-Atkinson

Wilderness Circuit Champion - Multiple Circuit Qualifier - Barrel Horse Trainer - Futurity, Derby, and Open Winner

“My horses LOVE the taste making it the easiest supplement to feed - we have no waste.”

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Matt McAuslan

Owner Operator F2F Livestock

"Every one of my horses that uses Thunder MountainEquine has shown a profound improvement. Each looks better, rides better, andI believe they all feel better. Simply put, these minerals work!"

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Kay Whittaker Young

7-time NFR Qualifier, WPRA Past President, Cowgirl Hall of Fame Honoree

"Thank you Thunder Mountain Equine for an amazing product!"

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Debbie Larson


"I now use TME on five horses and they are all in great shape, maintain their weight, have great coats and strong solid feet. I am very thankful to have been introduced to Thunder Mountain Equine."

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Betty A. Lynn

Owner, Lynn's Quarter Horses- Stevensville, MT

"After my stallion was attacked, he wouldn't put on any weight. Thanks to Thunder Mountain Equine, he's back to looking and feeling like he was a young horse again!"

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Kate McKinney-Paich


"Thank you for all of your help! This has been the best product I have ever used! One-stop shop, no need to add any other supplements."

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Bonnie Blain

“Thunder Mountain Equine is effective, efficient and your horses look forward to TME feeding time—it is hard to get their heads out of the bucket!"

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Shawnalee Johnson Hinkins

Owner, Breeder, Trainer. Rainbow Glass Ranch - Ferron, UT

"She also has a healthier coat, longer main and tail, less hay waster and healthier body score. The biggest plus is I'm riding her again!"

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Melanie Adams

Owner, Barrel Racer

"When my farrier came to shoe six weeks later, the improvement was astounding! Before, their hooves were brittle and hard, now they are supple and healthy. Their coats are healthy and shiny and their whole demeanor is relaxed and willing."

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Jake Dahl

Vista Equine Reproduction - Center, Ft. Collins, CO

"After only five weeks, I got two embryos from (my) older mare using shipped semen...I'm thrilled and looking forward to the offspring next Spring. This mineral supplement from Thunder Mountain Equine really works!"

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Doug Milholland

NRHA Hall of Fame, AQHA Word Champion, Judge, Trainer and Clinician - Purcell, OK

"When I first tried Thunder Mountain Equine, I was skeptical...Within a few weeks, both (of my horses) had improved beyond my expectations. I'm sold on Thunder Mountain Equine!"

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Kevin Tominey

Owner and Outfitter - West Jordan, UT

"Thunder Mountain Equine has done a fantastic job of increasing my paint's hoof growth and the speed at which he grows his feet. He can build his heel better and he's sound and stable. TME has taken a 20-year-old and what could have been useless horse, and turned him into a 20-year-old fantastic, sound horse."

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Tim and Cheri Gleason

Owners Brigham City, Utah

"Whether you own a grade horse or a papered horse, it's an investment of time and money. We found that one of the best ways to protect your investment and improve the quality of time spent with your horse is to supplement them with Thunder Mountain Equine essential horse mineral Supplement."

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Melissa Marshall

Jockey, Utah

“I LOVE, LOVE,LOVE this product! After a month of being on TME minerals, Queenie has stopped washing out during speed work, has stopped biting when you go to cinch her. I believe in this product so much, that I now have three other horses with different issues on TME, and we are already seeing results....Thank you for Thunder Mountain miracles.”‍

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Leslie Mills

Certified Farrier, Trainer, Owner, Dealer - Elmo UT

"I personally use TME on all six of my horses. I've been shoeing an 18-year-old that was born with a clubfoot. He has struggled with it all his life. His owner put him on Thunder Mountain Equine 60 days ago and the results have been amazing! His hoof has grown back! I now can't remember which was the club foot. Thanks Thunder Mountain Equine!"

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Roanna Rich

Owner - Price, Utah

"Our horse has been on the supplement for nearly 90 days. New updated x-rays show the pad under the coffin bone has re-grown. It is now two inches thick and supporting the coffin bone. Our horse is no longer sore and bucks and plays in the pasture."

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Polly Quigley

Owner, Price, UT

“Our horse, Paco, was foundered off and on for several years. We had him on Glucosamine, Lysine, and many other supplements with no improvement. We started him Thunder Mountain Equine in mid-October and were riding him on Thanksgiving Day. Amazing!"

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Duane "Doc" Utley

DVM, Sevier Valley Animal Clinic - Richfield, UT

"I'm a real skeptic. For years I've tried one supplement after another and been disappointed with all of them. I finally found one that works like magic. This is the real deal… In short, this is one supplement that does it all. If I didn't believe in TME, I wouldn't recommend it."

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Sharon Couch

Barrel Racer, 15-year member of the NBHA - Keller, TX

"THIS IS A AWESOME PRODUCT! No need to have two or three different products, one for the hooves, one for the gut and one for the nervousness in your horse. TME minerals are far more a natural source, not man-made."

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Clay Wright

Trainer, Owner, Dealer - Elmo, UT

"I have been using Thunder Mountain Equine supplements on two of my horses for about three months now and have recently put others on it. I have seen an increase in their energy and stamina without any signs of anxiety or tension...The change in the health of their feet was so noticeable that I was very amazed."

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Katie Wagner

Trainer - Simi Valley, CA

"I have been searching for the magic ingredient and found it in ThunderMountain Equine. Never have my horses been so willing and trainable. Never have they been so happy and healthy."

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Pat Robertson

Equine Wellness Advocate - California

“TME has simplified my life considerably. I am totally in love with the continuing results. It has given me peace of mind trying to figure out what feed to recommend and has allowed me to drop several other supplements with amazing results!"

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Matt Boice

Barrel Racer - Fremont, Ohio

“We have two futurity colts in training. We give them a double dose of Thunder Mountain Equine and they are really improving. The minerals help them to stay focused, making them easier to train."

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Jon and Jessica Karnuth

Tallmadge, Ohio

"I can't thank Matt Boice enough for introducing us to TME and Sandy for creating them. Thunder Mountain Equine is truly a miracle!!!"

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Chris and Colleen Riedle

C & C Quarter Horses - Caldwell, Idaho

“Although we used to consistently win firsts or seconds in the halter classes it seemed we fell short of the coveted Grand and Reserve Champion wins. Since feeding the TME, that has now changed. We now consistently win Grand and Reserve Champion titles. We quit feeding all other supplements only feeding TME."

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Shawnalee Johnson Hinkins

Owner, Breeder, Trainer. Rainbow Glass Ranch - Ferron, UT

"Thank you for making such a great product! It has worked miracles on my futurity colt! He went from inconsistent, nervous wreck to a quiet and confident competitor!"

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Thunder Mountain Equine Logo

The Story Behind Thunder Mountain Equine

This is where it all began... and all because of eggs.

Question? Which came first; the chicken or the egg? In my case it was the egg or rather the hen that laid it. WHY were the eggs from my hens when reaching their 1-year birthday always had thin shells and ridges? I tried everything for those hens; different feed, cheap feed, expensive ALL-natural feed, 16% lay mash, 20% lay mash, making my OWN lay mash, vinegar in the water, baking soda, a pan of raw milk, oyster shell. I even solicited the advice of the master ‘henneries’ but nothing seemed to work.Despite all my efforts those blasted hens still laid eggs with ridges and paper-thin shells and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. Perplexing. Oh, the eggs out of my fancy Rhode Island hens were jumbo sized, brown and were fertile. IF they could make it to the kitchen without cracking, they tasted wonderful, however and sadly to say several succumbed only to make it to the garbage because of those blasted thin shells with ridges.

This is where the story of Thunder Mountain Equine begins and all because of some brown eggs with ridges.

We have a small horse breeding operation in south central Utah and like any other same farm/ranch raise a few hens who lay fresh eggs as well a couple of Jerseys cows we milk for our family. Yup, I knowI already told you about those blasted brown eggs. So, what do eggs have to do with minerals? As I studied, reading everything until I was bleary eyed, I discovered the one thing missing in diet was minerals. The lack of minerals created a lack of absorption and therefore a lack of nutrients. My hens although I was feeding the best food possible were starving and their eggshells were the witness of that starvation.

Then I learned not all minerals and mineral sources are the same. Some are man-made; synthetic you might say, although they have the same formula, they are not the same. A mineral duplicated in the chemistry lab is not the same as the one occurring in nature. Many mineral supplements are derived from fractured minerals sources such as plants or dirt.Specific dirt may be high in certain sources of minerals so that mineral is singled out and removed from the source (fractured) then added to other minerals from other sources supposedly to make a complete mineral supplement.These minerals may not be compatible with each other much like mixing vegetable oil and water. Although both are liquids and with much effort can be mixed together to form ONE liquid, however if left to set for even a short period of time they separate returning their original form.

It was then that I embarked upon a journey to find those ALL-natural minerals. I would not have believed the journey that lay ahead. One day as I shared my frustration concerning my eggs with my old friend, he told me about a unique mineral deposit located on a ranch owned by his old rancher friend. It was discovered by him and his siblings quite by accident.

They noticed range cattle and a few mustangs would gather around a certain area and despite the obvious lack of adequate feed these animals always seemed to be fatter and healthier than other cattle herds in the valley. Upon further investigation the old rancher and his siblings (who have now passed away) discovered a few mounds of dirt where the animals had dug and pawed to get the mineral rich dirt just under the surface. It became obvious why the animals spent so much time in that area chewing on the rocks and licking the dirt. This dirt was actually minerals.

My friend introduced me to his old rancher friend, and I was taken to the site. I listened to his story and took several samples and had them assayed. According to the test results there were over 70 essential minerals in their natural form all married together in the same location. I called the mineral rich samples, ‘Magic Dirt’. Arrangements and agreements were made and the rights to the mineral’s deposits secured.

So... somewhere in a secreted location, near an old volcano caldera is the private deposit of our natural plant-based dirt containing 75 all-natural, chelated minerals. This ‘magic dirt’ was mined, cleaned, screened, and bagged for a guaranteed analysis. Almost immediately we started feeding this ‘magic dirt’ to the hens and the eggs shell problems were resolved. No more ridges.

After years of years of mixing hot mash grain with the magic mineral dirt I put into a perfected pellet form with numerous other healthy and essential ingredients and Thunder Mountain Equine was officially born.

Many years later we still see consistent and miraculous results in our animals, especially the horses. These are just a few of the results we have witnessed:

  1. 30% reduction in our feed bill because of greater absorption of nutrients.
  2. Disposition of all the animals especially the stallions is calm.
  3. All the animals especially the horses have that ‘bloom’ in their coat.
  4. Reduction in the amount of manure and the smell including a reduction in flies.
  5. Horses’ hooves are totally amazing. Our certified farrier has never seen such healthy hooves. Significant improvement in horses with laminitis, Epiphysitis, and founder.
  6. Reduction in the crusty butt on the foals when the mares are in heat.
  7. Mares, even maiden mares settle with fewer breedings, often int he first heat cycle they are bred.
  8. Stallions are easier to handle and the semen motility higher.One stallion reportedly increase was 60% motility to 85% motility after the stallion was only on our supplement for 5 weeks.
  9. Overall health of all the animals is much, much better.
  10. Significant reduction in joint issues in performance horses.
  11. Reduced issues with colic and tying up after hard workouts.
  12. Horses with weight problems gain and maintain a healthy weight.

WHY does Thunder Mountain Equine work? Because it is complete and the ONLY supplement your horse will ever need. It is unique because the minerals such as chromium, silver, selenium, manganese, copper, lithium and zinc are all naturally occurring, all together in their original, plant-based form. There are no fractured foods and no synthetic or man-made minerals. We invite you to try it. Your horses will LOVE the taste and you will LOVE the results.

Sandy Caruso, Founder

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